The cost of golf Instruction is way too expensive. During a typical 1 hour lesson, only 15 minutes is spent of the actual "lesson" (discovery, diagnosis, solution). The other 45 minutes is the instructor just re-iterating that the motion was wrong etc..You are paying for time, not the lesson any longer. Not with me. The average price for a 1 hour lesson is $100. 15 minutes of instruction is only 25% of that price. So you should only pay $25. That is my promise to you.
Your time is valuable. When someone takes a 1 hour golf lesson, it is not a 1 hour endeavour. With travel back and forth, warm up and lesson, it is actually more like a 3 hour endeavor. Practice takes away from your "golf time". I want you to enjoy the time you have allotted for golf to be for PLAYING golf, not working on golf. Our sessions can be done ANYTIME that is convenient for you, and from ANYWHERE. I have students in 10 below weather taking series of golf lessons in their living room and garage. People are taking their lessons at night, in the morning...whenever it is convenient. Your schedule. Not mine.
Going to a driving range to take a golf lesson can be an awkward and uncomfortable experience. There are others around who we may feel are watching us. All of your sessions are done where you are comfortable, perhaps that is at home. You will receive our lesson by a video from me, just you and me. From there, you can find a place where you are comfortable to work on what we have talked about. Studies show that people who have taken lesson were uncomfortable after being what to work on with the teacher just "staring at me make the same mistake, when obviously I am in transition. I wish the teacher would have left me to work on it instead of making me feel uncomfortable". You and I will never have that, our time is spent when and where you are comfortable.
Finding a quality instructor, and one that is a good fit for your wants, needs, location and adhering to your learning style is often a challenge. I am considered by the PGA of America as an expert in Instruction as a Master Professional, but I want to make sure we are the right fit for you. That is why before we even start your learning, I offer a FREE Skype/FaceTime chat to "get to know" one another. From there you will be offered a FREE Swing Analysis to determine what needs to be addressed for improvement. If we are on the same page, we will move forward with instruction, but not until YOU are comfortable.
Getting you better is out goal. With that being said, some issues can be resolved with a simple suggestion. Others may take a few repetitions. I will provide you with exercises that you can do while in your home, or on the range. The training aids you will need for feed back are mostly household items that cost you nothing (ex. a towel, shoebox). You will have access to all of our lessons and drills for your review as many times as you like, whenever and wherever you choose. But real improvement comes with follow up. In conventional golf instruction, you have your lesson, and then have to pay to get seen again as follow up, or have to use one of your lessons in the package as a follow up. I do not believe in that. To me, follow up is part of the lesson, that is why with each lesson you and I will have 2 additional follow up sessions to mark progress, see if drills are being done correctly etc. No additional charge. Follow up is vital for improvement, but at no additional cost